MegaPops talk about their brand, the ad industry, and their passion for creating a difference

“Live in neon, not beige.” - Meg

MegaPops are Megan Egan & Poppy Cumming-Spain, a creative team working at Creature London. They’re recent grads of SCA 2.0 and have pretty much launched themselves into the industry on a rocket fuelled with positive energy. Alex met them while mentoring at SCA and was struck by their charisma, honesty and wonderful work.

We met them in Shoreditch in early May and talked about how they built their team brand, MegaPops, the work they rate and how they pursue truth. They also shared their opinions about the state of “purpose advertising” and the value of doing real things rather than talking about them. It’s a refreshing perspective from smart people whom we hope go far.

Update 2019: Meg & Pops broke up :(

We suggest you also look at Meg’s personal portfolio of illustration, street art and photography. She’s a talent.

Ivan Pols
Creative guy who draws.

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