Building Brand Into Your Business
Truth & Spectacle Ivan Pols Truth & Spectacle Ivan Pols

Building Brand Into Your Business

When it comes to defining what a brand is, Ivan explained it as ‘a collection of bits of information’–everything people are hearing, seeing and experiencing, most likely things that don’t originate from your organisation, that become your brand. It's alive!

Your brand is also part of your creative culture that helps you innovate and adapt as you through the variety of problem solving exercises that you’re going to have to go through as an early stage business.

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In-house Essays: Up and to the Right
Truth & Spectacle Ivan Pols Truth & Spectacle Ivan Pols

In-house Essays: Up and to the Right

The most important chart in the company shows usage and revenue plotted over time as a line. It's a very simple graph that shows how all the work we do accumulates value, and the CEO needs the line to go up and to the right. The in-house team must contribute to that line moving in the right direction using creativity.

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In-House Essays: Creative C-Suite
Truth & Spectacle Ivan Pols Truth & Spectacle Ivan Pols

In-House Essays: Creative C-Suite

I felt it was important that a company, or any organisation, should have a Chief Creative Officer who sits next to the Chief Marketing Officer, the Chief Product Officer, or the Chief Technology Officer. If brand experience is valuable to the company, it only makes sense.

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